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Nov. 2, 2022

So you always wanted to write a Novel... Now's your chance!

So you always wanted to write a Novel... Now's your chance!

The Uncanny CocoNuts have participated in this challenge before... And just wanted to do a public service should you have ever dreamed of writing a book. 


Do you have UFO and conspiracy stories running through your brain? Although you haven't found the proof, you think your story can make you the next Anne Rice, Stephen King, or J. K. Rowling? Well, the first thing you HAVE TO Do is put that tale into the written word... And write your novel!


If interested and you just need a little push, let us push you right off the cliff (see what we did there... Lol) and recommend you check out www.nanowrimo.com! 


It stands for National Novel Writing Month, and it happens every year in November. 


Doesn't cost anything but your time and basically you dedicate yourself to writing  appx 1,500 words a day... Every day, for the month of November. Send your inner editor on vacation... You don't care about the plot, about spelling, and no research. You are just dedicating yourself to cranking out those words per day and after the first week, you'll see your story take off!


And if you complete it, and it gets published... Don't forget to send us a copy and thanks for the tip! 


If you do it, please send us an email letting us know how your story panned out at the end. Uncannycoconuts@gmail.com 


Just do it! And don't forget to check out our podcast for more shenanigans!