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Sept. 25, 2023

Mexican aliens in the news... no, not those kind of aliens!

Mexican aliens in the news... no, not those kind of aliens!

In the last few weeks, two bodies believed to be a mix of human and animal bones were presented in Mexico’s Congress as evidence of alien life. However, the scientific community has responded with skepticism and is questioning whether these are extraterrestrials or simply llama skeletons1The scientific conference concluded that the claims made by ufologist and journalist Jaime Maussan were unfounded1The scientific community emphasized the importance of following scientific rationality and distinguishing between science and superstitions1.

While Maussan’s claims may be intriguing, it is essential to approach them with caution. We say, let's give them time to prove their facts!!! The scientific community is focused on addressing critical issues such as climate change, war, and pandemics1. It is crucial to prioritize scientific research and evidence-based knowledge in order to make informed decisions.

You can read more articles on it:

On BBC: Mexico 'alien bodies': Those viral artefacts get lab tests

On New York Post: Mexican doctors conclude tests on alleged ‘non-human’ alien corpses — here’s what they determined

And skepticism already: The Dumb Alien Mummy Story Takes an Entirely Predictable Turn

Stay tuned for more updates on this fascinating topic! πŸŒπŸ”¬"


#MexicanAlienMummies #JaimeMaussan #ScienceVsSuperstition #EvidenceBasedResearch #ClimateChange #Pandemics