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Promo Audiogram for S2E38 - Stupid horror sequels that kill

Audio promo on new podcast episode released on 11/3/2021.

S2E38 - Stupid horror sequels that kill…kill us with boredom! With October and Halloween behind us, the Uncanny duo rant about great scary movies and what they find stupid after it has sequels!

Check out all our hilarious episodes here: https://anchor.fm/uncannycoconuts

#halloween #halloween2021 #scarymovies #stupidity #UncannyCoconuts

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Transcript of promo:
CocoPelao: right? , that's the thing I need a good explanation. This is all science fiction in the end, . Or, it's make-believe right. Give me a bullshit story as to why, , he's an alien, he's an alien that, that doesn't die. He's the one that originally built, the fucking pyramids. And that's why he's still around,

CocoLoco: Yeah. Some, at this point,

CocoPelao: going to be a story

CocoLoco: right at this point, the suspense is already been done in the sequels. So why don't you now give a reason why he doesn't die? If they would have done that to this movie, if they would have gave a reason it would have been such a better movie. And of course, if it was written differently in different dialogue, because it was completely ridiculous, the fucking dialogue was ridiculous.

CocoPelao: Even something like, Hey, maybe Michael Myers is a time-traveling alien and every 10 years he clones himself and a new clone shows up. Fuck it!

CocoPelao: That would explain what there's a new movie every 10 years.